
Band Banquet 2019

It's that time of the year!  With the band and choir performing almost every other week, allergies going crazy, the sun actually being up when you leave for school, and these green sunny days...it MUST BE ALMOST SUMMER!

Before we get into posting about graduation and band camp and all the things that come with summer being nearly here, we have a more pressing issue: our 2019 Band Banquet. 

Awards?  Check.  Summer-inspired?  Check.  Speeches that'll make tears fall like you wouldn't believe?  I assume check (you'd have to ask one of our seniors).

Also...heads up: this year's banquet is a little different.  We'll be theming the entire night around the approach of Summer: barbecue, summer sides, fresh decorations, etc. to send out amazing seniors off in style.  We have new awards this year to help mark our new room with the moving on of this talented group.  We also will be doing tickets a little differently than in the past: seniors will be free, but all others in attendance will need to purchase a ticket to attend.  They're $10 a piece and the form you need to turn in with them is found at this link:

Band Banquet Digital Form

We close many a thing out this year: an old band room stuffed with memories, an old uniform worn countless times, and an amazing group of seniors who got us to where we are today.  Make sure to pick-up/print off a form and ensure your spot at our banquet celebrating it all!
